Learn everything you need to know about your mouth!

Join me in educating you about the mouth...

There is a huge gap between what we know as professionals and what the average off the street patient walking in the door knows. So that’s why I created dentistjess.com a place where you can ask any questions you have an area to promote preventative dentistry. Similar to going for coffee with a friend, my heart as DentistJess and intention is to be real with you about your oral health, dental procedures, dental products and give you my genuine thoughts on them, while teaching you along the way. Here is how you can learn about oral health:

  • YouTube Channel – I am going to post videos regularly answering some of the most common questions people have on everything to do with their mouthes. For Example: “How do I brush my teeth?“, “Why do my gums bleed?”, or “How do I floss?” and even bigger is “Why should one floss?” (Like seriously… some of my own family members didn’t know why!)
  • Instagram – I am going post challenges, and quick tips about Oral Hygiene, ask you what I should make a video about, and connect with you. Remember, I am a real person… not a scary dentist… but someone you could grab coffee with!
  • Email Newsletter This will be a way to keep you updated, remind you of my new content, and any new products I recommend.

What is the most common yet preventable, chronic disease on the planet and constitutes a major global public health challenge?

“Dental Decay”– Canadian Dental Association in 2017

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Jess, I want you to educate me on oral health!

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